Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sleep Driving

I mainly work the midnight shift. I usually have no trouble staying awake all night, however this was not the case the other night. I was working a 16 (16 hour shift), and I had not had a chance to take a nap beforehand. I decided to go tuck away someplace for a while to take a nap. There is a place behind a local bank which is a great place to disappear for an hour or two if needed. Again, this is not an every night occurrence, but it does happen.

This is a common place for many who are working to take a quick power nap for a hour. There are two parking lots at this bank, each is visible by the other. The two are separated by just a thin row of trees.

So, the other night I crept into one of the lots to get a quick wink. A co-worker of mine was in the second lot doing the same. At some point during the night, something woke me...well...sort of. I'm not sure what it was, but I woke up, and for some reason decided I needed to move my car. I don't really know what possessed me to do this, but I started driving my car around the parking lot. I then back the car into a parking spot, then turned around and went back to where I originally was, and went back to my nap.

So I didn't actually realize I did this, until the morning, and I still had no idea why I did it. I was basically 'sleep driving'. Which is a safe activity.

That morning, I was talking to my co-worker, who was in the next lot. He said to me, "what was up with you\ and the sirens last night?" I asked him what he was talking about to which he answered, "at like 5 in the morning you turned on the sirens, that was you at the bank, wasn't it?" Yup, it was me....apparently when I was on my little joy ride through the parking lot, I decided to turn on the sirens. That a great way to keep a low profile.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Telephone Customer Service

So, I just moved into a new place, and I had to have the gas turned on. So I called my local gas company to take care of it. After pushing an ass load of buttons, I finally got to speak with a human.

A woman answered the phone. I thought maybe she had some type of foreign accent for a minute. However after fighting to figure out what the fuck she was actually saying, I realized, no...not an was a speech impediment! Now, I'm all about equal rights, and all that crap, but let me ask you something, if you are in charge of hiring at this company, and you know that this woman is going to be answering phones, don't you think we should be able to understand her? There has to be some other job for her that doesn't have her speaking to people on a phone for eight hours a day. Or maybe they could have paired her up with someone. Maybe she could have a partner who has no hands. She does the typing, he talks.

So anyway, after struggling with her for about half an hour, I finally got my gas turned on. And then ordered Chinese we go again...

I'm Back

So, its been a while, but I decided to give the whole blog thing another go. Basically, same deal as before. I work for a police department, I'm not telling where, but funny shit happens, so I'll tell you about it. I'll also bitch a little about everyday things that bother me. So here it is. If you like it, spread the word...If you don't..SCREW!!! But spread the word too. Hope you enjoy!